Omnivision sensor eliminates LED flicker

by Today's Trucking

Omnivision has rolled out a new OX08D10 8-megapixel (MP) CMOS image sensor with TheiaCel technology, which it says will improve resolution and image quality for exterior cameras used for advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving.

The new chip, it claims, features industry-leading low light performance and lower power consumption in a compact size that’s 50% smaller than other sensors in its class. The first senor that uses Omnivision’s new 2.1-micron TheiCel technology also eliminates LED flicker regardless of lighting conditions, the company says. It can capture images at 200 meters.

OXO8D chip
(Photo: Omnivision)

“The new OX08D10 image sensor provides automotive OEMs with one device that combines all of the most important features, including low-light performance, LED flicker mitigation (LFM), small size and low power, eliminating the need for our customers to make performance/design compromises to address LED flicker, as they have in the past,” said Paul Wu, automotive product marketing manager, Omnivision.

“TheiaCel brings a new era to single-exposure HDR in an easy-to-implement solution that yields dramatic improvements in image quality.”

Eliminating LED flicker is key to ensuring ADAS and AD systems correctly detect lighted traffic signs, the company says, noting the industry has been seeking a solution that could be integrated into a CMOS image sensor to overcome the challenge.

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