Alta chamber calls for biodiesel standards, faster passport process

LETHBRIDGE, Alta. — The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce has drafted a resolution urging Ottawa to improve the process for applying for passports and called on the government to implement quality control standards for biodiesel, according to the Lethbridge Herald.

Chamber member Bill Waugh said, quoting the American Trucking Association, said that Ottawa should not promote biodiesel for Canadian industries while at “the same time abrogate its responsibility to ensure biodiesel quality.”

The motions were tabled and approved at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce conference in Markham, Ont. this week.

Waugh says his chamber approves of biodiesel production, but until the government implements production and blending standards, consumers and the transportation industry won’t buy it.

The Lethbridge chamber is also concerned the amount of time Canadians in smaller cities have to wait for passports, which are required for air travel to the U.S. and will soon be mandated for travelers crossing at all land ports as well.

In addition to streamlining the application process, the chamber is asking the feds to extend the validity of passports from five years to 10.

The Lethbridge chamber says it will follow up with the national group to keep tabs on the status of its resolutions.

— from the Lethbridge Herald

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