Fuel Economy Seminar Tour Hitting East Coast

MONCTON, NB. — Only two more sessions left in the Owner Operator’s Business Association Canada (OBAC) east coast fuel economy tour.

The seminar tour, called “Driving for Dollars,” kicked off today in Moncton at SLH Transport’s office on MacNaughton Drive.

The free seminars are open to anyone, but pre-registration is required. (See below for details.)

The seminars are based on NRCan’s Smart Driver for Highway Trucking training program and hosted by Today’s Trucking contributor Jim Park, who is also OBAC’s technical and regulatory advisor.

OBAC said the seminars introduce drivers to energy-efficient practices that reduce fuel consumption and emissions. “The topics covered include: factors affecting fuel efficiency: truck spec’ing, tire maintenance, idling, and more maintenance practices to keep a truck in top condition for peak efficiency using torque instead of horsepower, better traffic management skills trip planning and time management for fuel savings and improved well being smarter driving practices.”

Seminar details:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 – 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
184 Arthur Street, Halliday Building, Truro, NS

Thursday, March 28, 2013 – 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Farm Centre, 420 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PEI

Attendees will receive informative and practical handouts and take-home tools. To pre-register (no charge) call OBAC toll-free 888-794-9990 or e-mail info@obac.ca.

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