Operation Lifesaver: Reducing Truck & Train Collisions in Canada

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Jim Park’s Truck Talk
Volume 1 Number 8

Collisions between trucks and trains aren’t exactly epidemic in this country, but when they occur, they often make the front pages of the papers. They’re messy and expensive, and they could involve hazardous materials. Of the roughly 200 railroad-crossing collisions that occur each year in Canada, about 40 involve trucks. The sad thing is, says Dan Di Tota, National Director of Operation Lifesaver, every crash is completely avoidable. Operation Lifesaver’s mission is to reduce the needless calamity and loss of life resulting from these collisions.

On this edition of Truck Talk, Jim Park and Dan Di Tota discuss what you can do to avoid an unpleasant meeting with a much larger adversary at a railroad crossing.

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Jim Park was a CDL driver and owner-operator from 1978 until 1998, when he began his second career as a trucking journalist. During that career transition, he hosted an overnight radio show on a Hamilton, Ontario radio station and later went on to anchor the trucking news in SiriusXM's Road Dog Trucking channel. Jim is a regular contributor to Today's Trucking and Trucknews.com, and produces Focus On and On the Spot test drive videos.

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