Truck network offers logistics capacity for charities

TORONTO – The Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) is the first trade association to become a charter member of Trucks For Change Network, a newly-formed not-for-profit group dedicated to helping the trucking industry develop and promote positive social change in communities.

Using real-time freight matching and donation management technology, Network members can quickly identify charity needs and offer their transportation and logistics services on a donated or preferred cost basis.

"It’s a matter of being in the right place at the right time with the right capacity," says Pete Dalmazzi, former trucking industry executive and founder and president of the Network.

"Every time our system matches available capacity from a member trucking firm with the needs of a charity client, we improve the charity’s bottom line, and contribute to the great work they do in our communities.

"Filling extra truck space with charitable freight reduces the trucking industry’s carbon footprint associated with empty miles."

What’s more, "by providing affordable transportation, we often make possible the delivery of donated items to charity that would otherwise end up in landfill sites, further contributing to a sustainable environment."

OTA’s participation was given the green light by its board of directors after the program was piloted by several of its carrier members the fall of 2010.

"It’s a classic win-win situation, and the OTA is pleased to help bring it to life," said OTA President David Bradley.

Serving as directors of the new company will be Scott Smith, CEO of J.D. Smith and Sons, and Evan Mackinnon, CEO of Mackinnon Transport.

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