initiates new email news service (January 01, 2001)

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DON MILLS, Ont. — The trucking industry’s leading information-based Web site,, has launched the first phase of its new weekly email bulletin service known as At Your Personal Request.

Readers of Truck News, Truck West and Motortruck magazines have begun to receive weekly updates about the latest news relating to their industry. Also included in the electronic newsletter are links to archived editions of Truck News, contact details for members of our team, and a link to esource – North Americas largest business-to-business Web directory and e-marketplace.

An array of other features will be added to the service over the next few months.

"We are very excited about this service," says publisher Rob Wilkins. "There are so many niche players in trucking today, it’s only natural for our editorial team to deliver the ‘niche news’ these companies need to excel."

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Truck News is Canada's leading trucking newspaper - news and information for trucking companies, owner/operators, truck drivers and logistics professionals working in the Canadian trucking industry.

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